Monday, September 20, 2010

16 Week OB Appointment

We have to say that this appointment was my least and most favorite visit all at the same time. The reason it was the worst: blood work. I am deathly afraid of needles. And I don't care how scared you may think you are of  them, I promise you I am more so.  How do I know this? Have you ever physically harmed a medical staff member (doctor, nurse, etc.) due to a needle phobia? Do you cry your eyes out so hard before the needle touches you that they have to take off the tourniquet, tell you to calm down, and then re-do? Have you ever passed out watching someone else give blood? Does just the thought of needles make you sweat and feel faint?  If you answered yes to all these questions, then we can talk. Yes, that's all true and all about me. It's called "belonephobia" or, the "fear of needles." Yes, its a real condition.

So anyway, we had the routine 16 week blood work done today (about 4 viles worth). A lot of you were praying for us today and we literally felt them, thank you, thank you! I did get a little weepy before hand but the nurse told me I had to calm down so I did. The nurse was quick, efficient, and it wasn't too terrible. It literally took less than a minute and the sweet nurse kept me occupied by talking about my favorite topic right now, my baby! I agreed for them to test me and baby for everything they wanted to test for. Yes, I agreed to a quad screen but it's just because I am a planner. I would never terminate a pregnancy in which the baby was thought to have a birth defect (or any pregnancy for that matter), I would just want to be prepared. We should have all blood work results back in a week or so, so PLEASE pray that everything is fine with our little Tiger! This may be one of the most important prayers you could pray for us and we would appreciate it so much! 

Now, on to why it was the best apt. We got to hear little Tiger's heartbeat again today and this time we heard it immediately and it was very loud and very strong. I could have listened for hours. I am so in love with this baby and I don't have a clue what it looks like or even if it's a boy or girl, but that matters not. We also got a BPM (beats per minute) reading (which some people read in to to try and determine gender early though it's only correct about 50% of the time) but we aren't revealing what that was. I am going to keep it to myself until I actually know what we are having because we don't want anyone jumping to any conclusions. Sorry, don't hate me! 

One side note, I no longer fit in to any of my jeans, thank goodness for the bella band I bought this weekend so that I can still wear them. I have been unsuccessful in finding any maternity jeans that are long enough for my super tall self. If anyone has any tips on where I can find some, that would be lovely.

Also, I have put up a poll on the sidebar of the blog, so you all can vote on what you think baby McGhee is, as we might (fingers crossed) find out Friday, at 17 weeks. Go vote!

1 comment:

  1. oh girl- I remember those times with the needles!! And I had to have 2 amnios!! yikes-so terrifying but it is all worth it :-)!
