Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Birth Story: Asher Greyson McGhee

HUGE- 39 Weeks Before Heading to the Hospital

I had Braxton Hicks (BH) contractions on and off during my 3rd Trimester but not enough to really make me think we'd have our baby boy earlier than his due date. Sometimes, I'd actually get kind of down. You always hear of second babies coming sooner and faster so I was hopeful not to be passed my due date and super miserable but I was also not showing any real signs that labor was coming anytime soon and feared we were looking at another induction. We know that God is always in control and had already written this Birth Story long before me typing it here so we were just trusting in that.

On Friday the 5th, I even said to my best friend, "Well, I can't be pregnant forever, right?" How prolific that statement turned out to be. I was having some BH on Friday night and they got to be pretty painful. I wondered if maybe, just maybe, I was in what some call "pre-labor." Maybe I'd even had a sixth sense earlier in the day with a compulsive need to go get the SUV cleaned, even though Jeremy said he was going to clean it in the next couple of days. That night, after Leighton went to bed, Jeremy and I watched a movie, when I guess we should have been sleeping. The BH contractions would come and go. After the movie, I couldn't sleep. Could.not.sleep. I just felt something was coming in my heart of hearts. I don't know how or why. I did the last load of laundry, wrote a last thank you note for a gift we had just received, and ate something light just in case I couldn't eat again for a while.

I started having real contractions around 2 am. At least, I was pretty sure they were real even though they weren't very strong and were sporadic. An hour later, that changed. I was trying not to wake Jeremy up but around 3 am the contractions got to be pretty painful and he woke up to the breathing techniques I used to get me through the contractions. He was surprisingly very calm (probably because I kept saying, "they are too far apart, we have a while.") and held my hand through each one. I don't think either one of us realized how serious it was about to get. The contractions were still pretty far apart and irregular so neither of us felt the need to rush to the hospital.I started to get excited, even through the pain, when I finally realized this was "it" and I was elated to be able to labor some at home even though it hurt. ***Disclaimer: I'm not going to sugarcoat anything from here on out. This Birth Story is not for the squeamish. You have been fairly warned.***

Ok,so, I am breathing through intense contractions while trying to get ready and finish packing hospital bags (the items we use every day that we couldn't pack until last minute) Taking a bath made the contractions a little less painful and slow down some so that was good. I was feeling pretty proud of myself for laboring naturally at home and not dashing off to the hospital in a panic. I used to have zero, I mean zero, pain tolerance so this felt like a huge accomplishment.

We decided that when Leighton woke up, we'd head straight to the hospital and make sure I was far enough along to be admitted and then we'd call the friends we had lined up to keep Leighton to come get her until one of our relatives could make it to relieve them. Well, waiting for her to wake up couldn't wait any longer come 7 a.m. when I.was.dying. I was letting the contractions get to me as they got stronger and stronger and closer and closer and I couldn't stay on top of them. I was fearful that my water would break any minute and I really didn't want that happening anywhere but the hospital. We got Leighton up and the car packed as fast as humanly possible (and when I say "we" I mean my amazing husband did these things while I ow ow'd and and breathed and vocalized my way through contractions.) My poor, sweet, amazing little girl wavered between being upset and scared because she didn't know what was going on and mommy was clearly having some issues, to saying very compassionately, "It's ok mommy. You're ok. You're fine." At this point we had clued our family in to what was happening and my mom was already en route.

The drive to the hospital was pretty awful. The car ride definitely makes the contractions worse. Jeremy ran 2 red lights and 2 stop signs, drove a little lot over the speed limit, passed a slower driver in a turn lane, all while I was breathing and vocalizing and crying through those contractions, silently cursing myself for waiting so long to head to the hospital but the contractions had just gotten so bad so quickly. I felt like I was in a movie. But, hey, at least the car was clean.

Flowers Hospital Where We Delivered Our Boy
We pulled up to the ER (where you have to check in if you come to our hospital in labor). Jeremy flew out of the car and got me in a wheelchair, Leighton out of the car seat and all of us to the front desk, all in record time. It was about 7:30 a.m. Another pregnant woman was being admitted and she was still walking with a smile on her face. As I breathed through one particularly bad contraction she said "I think you are going to have yours before me." I said "I am just hoping I don't have him right here in this lobby!" At least I could still make a joke, right? A million ridiculous (and a few non- ridiculous) questions answered and a few signed papers later and we were being wheeled up to labor and delivery. I was, of course, instructed to gown up and get in bed. We were all definitely anxious about me missing my window of opportunity for an epidural. My amazing nurse got my fluids started and blood work done and after another million questions I was being checked. At 8 am I was a 6 with contractions every 4 minutes. Wow. I was proud and terrified at the same time. I thought, "I can't believe I labored naturally to a 6," and "Oh no, what if I don't get my epidural in time?"

Blue (Well, Turquoise) Toes for My Boy (My New Favorite Color)


Obviously, During A Contraction

Sweet Nurse- LOVED Her 

                                                 Scale- Waiting To Weigh Our Big Boy

Then, my water broke. I was so happy everything was happening naturally this time, exactly the way I had envisioned it, but this was all happening too fast! I needed that epidural, now! The nurse quickly got me fully admitted and got anesthesia to my room and he administered my epidural while Jeremy took Leighton downstairs to meet our friends. It was harder than I ever imagined to say goodbye to her. My girl. My first baby. The last time I would see her as my only baby. I cried, we kissed, she kissed my belly one last time (her favorite thing to do). And she was gone.

One Last Belly Kiss

                                                Very Emotional Saying Goodbye To Her

The epidural hurt worse this time than with Leighton (I didn't even really feel it with her). But it worked and was heaven and I was thanking God that I finally had relief...for about 30 minutes. This is where it gets good folks.

First, I started to feel everything on my left side. Well, this happened when I had Leighton so I thought maybe it is just something with my body. So long as I was getting a good bit of relief I thought I'd be o.k. Then I could feel everything, everywhere. Not good. It's now 9:30 a.m. My mom has made it with KK doughnuts and coke. Mama knows what her daughter wants after delivering a baby! We were all very concerned with my pain. I was checked again and was between a 7 and 8. The anesthesiologist came back in and administered more meds to see if it was the dosage that wasn't working, or if it was the epidural itself. He gave me a dosage he would give a C-section patient and said if that didn't do it, it was definitely the epidural. It didn't work. I was in off the wall pain. There was talk of natural childbirth if we didn't have time or if the anesthesiologist wouldn't redo my epidural. I was a basket case. I said, "Ya'll don't understand, I have the worst pain tolerance in the world, I can't do this naturally!" My awesome nurse spoke up and said, "Girl, you labored at home until you were 6 cm and you are doing it. You are doing it right now. You have made it to 8 cm naturally, with only 30 min of relief. That is amazing and most people don't do that." She made me feel a little better but I still in no way wanted to do this naturally. My poor husband and mother didn't either. They were both white as ghosts and holding back tears (ok, mom let a few flow) watching me in such agonizing pain.

They checked me again and I was a 9. I silently begged God to give me an inch, well I guess a centimeter. The anesthesiologist out of the goodness of his heart (and, perhaps because I was scaring everyone else on the floor) came in and re-did my epidural at 9 cm. He had to try a couple of times which didn't feel good but he finally got it and it worked. Praise.Jesus. All I could feel was the pressure. Oh, the intense pressure. I felt like we had to be close. And we were. 10 cm....but baby boy was facing the wrong way, of course. So they turned me on my left side to try to turn him. I felt SO much pressure and I just wanted him out! My nurse told me it was ok to push if I felt I needed to but it would be pointless because of the way he was facing. I would bear down when I absolutely had too but was trying to save as much energy as I could. It seemed like forever but he finally turned and I could start pushing for real.

We pushed for a little while and then the Dr. came in and we pushed some more. Pushing and resting became the pattern for the next little while and it took all of my strength and the help from some oxygen to not pass out asleep during the rests. My Dr. needed to make a cut (same as when I had Leighton) to help get baby boy out (my kids have big heads, they take after daddy ;) ). When she went to do so, that was when we discovered my epidural hadn't worked quite as well as we had thought. I can't even put in to words what that pain was like. She gave me a local, which also hurt like crazy, so she could finish the cut.

At this moment, I knew it was almost over. I got a little emotional knowing that my last pregnancy (God willing) was coming to an end. All of the hard work of the last 39 weeks; the body changes, the kicks, the stares from strangers, the being unable to bend over to shave my legs, the being careful about what I ate and drank, the wonder of what and who baby will look like, worries about health, feeling so proud of my big round tummy and growing a whole person with the help of God, it was all about to end in an instant. A few more pushes and it would all start to become a distant memory. 9 months and 3 weeks feels like an eternity, until it's over. I wasn't sure I was ready for it to be over.

Isolet- Waiting For Baby

                                                                    Warming Bed 

I looked across the room at the empty isolet, where they would soon place my baby boy to warm him up, clean him off, and suction him. That empty isolet is one of my favorite parts of birthing a baby. It's so tiny and warm and so full of promise. I stared at it and took it in so I'd always remember. (I can't believe I am crying as I type this.) I took in his last kick. I knew it was the last one I'd feel with him inside me because the pressure was at a point where I couldn't stop pushing. So, I didn't stop. I pushed and I pushed, oh it hurt, until the nurse said "Sybil, look down."

                                                    Dr. J Getting First Look At Baby 

And I did. And there he was. My son. Our son. Our beautiful baby boy. I burst in to tears because he was so amazing. I could tell he was a big boy. I remember thinking he looked so clean to have just been born. His first cries came when they suctioned him. I heard, "Time of birth,12:07 pm."

                                                             Time Of Birth: 12:07 p.m.

I was already begging to hold him. It took so long for me to be able to hold Leighton because they had to make sure she was ok at a month early. I wanted this to be different, more how I'd always pictured it. And it was. The laid him on my chest and I wished him Happy Birthday and smothered him with kisses and told him how beautiful he was. Jeremy cut the cord.

Then the nurse got down to cleaning and measuring him. I was amazed when they called out "22 inches long" and even more amazed when they said, "8 pounds."

                   Our Awesome Team: Dr. J on Left And Our L&D and Nursery Nurse on Right

I delivered the placenta and the Dr. stitched me up, which I didn't feel thanks to another local (which I did feel, ouch) and it was done. Our Asher was here, not even 5 hours after rolling in this place. Jeremy and I will never forget that day. By the end we were out of breath and crying tears of joy and relief. Everyone kept telling me how great I did and how proud of me they were but I just kept looking at him as I nursed him. Our son. That is what I was most proud of.

He Owns Me

Asher Greyson McGhee. Born April 6th, 2013. 12:07 p.m. 8 lbs. 22 inches. "Happy Am I, The Women Shall Call Me Blessed. So She Named Him, Asher." Genesis 30:13.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I had a dream that my new blog design was completed and I was back to blogging like I did in the good old days, before this blog was even born. Heck, before Leighton was born! Then, I woke up to the realization that I have this amazing but very busy two year old, a new house, and a baby on the way very soon and I just laugh.

Priorities. Blogging just hasn't been up there at the top of the list recently, ya'll. And, while this blog IS important to me, to our family, as I'd eventually like to be at the point where I am permanently recording  all of our major happenings as a family, there are just more pressing things going on in our lives right now.

Don't worry, though, we will get there one step at a time. I am mostly ready to have a new design and blog title/address to include our soon to be 4th member of Team McGhee, Asher Greyson. I have the new title and a semi-picture in my head of what I want it all to look like. However, blog design, it just isn't my forte. I have a blog designer from back when I was coupon blogging whom I really like, I just need to get together with her and hammer it all out. Soon. But not right now. Priorities, Remember?

You see, I actually had to write this particular blog post (I always edit and add pictures later so it will be several days until this actually posts) in the middle of the night after getting my stomach virus sick husband back to sleep. Of course, being all 9.5 months full of fetus, I barely sleep at all these days. Sweet hubby was so afraid he was going to get me sick and that we'd have a repeat of Christmas night, he was nervous for me to take care of him. I told him that I would be taking care of him regardless of the risk, and joked, "Hey, if I got sick this time maybe they'd go ahead and get this boy out of me." Kidding, of course. So, as of right now I am just laying here listening to his soft snore and reflecting on the last 7 weeks or so.

Let me back up a bit. It's been almost 2 months since Leighton's second Birthday Bash and it was SO much fun! We did a Sesame Street theme, much to my dismay, because the sweet kiddo is just Obsessed, capital "O", with Elmo. She likes the other characters fine, but Elmo is her favorite for sure. Jeremy and I keep telling ourselves, "At least shes not obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba, right?" And Sesame Street is sort of vintage and teaches her a few good lessons. We both loved it as kids. It works. And she is finally getting in to some other shows like Mickey Mouse, so it's nice not to only hear Elmo's voice when the TV is on. Where was I? Oh yes, the party. It turned out really well thanks to Pinterest and some original ideas of mine. And, the fact that my rock star Hubs made this balloon wreath after my pathetic attempt at it (let's not even discuss that particular disaster.)

Leighton had a blast at her party. Mostly because we rented this.

Best money we spent, by far. All of the kids loved it and were kept very entertained pretty much the whole time. Leighton got out of it long enough to love on some family, blow out her candles and open maybe 2 gifts. So, I'd say it was a hit. Sweet girl was surrounded by so much love that day, all of her grandparents, a couple of greats, mommy and daddy, and several sweet friends. We couldn't love our precious 2 year old any more if we tried, even if she does totally We are super proud parents!

 We Have a 2 Year Old! 
Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Elmo Really Trashed the House! 
"Abby's Fairy Wands"

Elmo Loves His Goldfish, His Crayon, Too! So, Live Goldfish and a Crayon for Everyone! 

"Rubber Duckie Punch"

Big Bird Cheese

Oscar Veggies 

Elmo and Cookie Monster Fruit! 

The Gang's All Here 

Our Precious 2 Year Old! 

Having a Blast Jumping With Daddy! 

At 2, Leighton is 28 1/2 lbs (70%) and 35 1/2 inches long (90%). She truly amazes us every day. She knows her ABC's, counts to 14 (random number, we know), can sing more songs all the way through than I can count (especially her SEEDS Family Worship songs), talks in sentences more times than not, knows her left from right, can undress herself, loves to read and dance and sing, is learning letters and numbers and colors. She takes one 2-hour nap during the day and sleeps roughly 11 hours at night. I couldn't even begin to guess how many words she knows. When we went to her pediatrician for her 2 year check up they asked if she knew at least 30 words (milestone check). My mom was with me and we both died laughing. I said, "30? Try, like, 300 or more!" And I wasn't exaggerating, this child is a chatty one. I have no idea where she got that from. She wants to know what everything is and will repeat even the most difficult words. Every stranger we meet, (well, to Leighton, no one is a stranger) every one of them comments on how well spoken she is to have just turned 2. She still has the BEST smile. She mostly saves it for her daddy and grandfathers (her favorite men in her life) but occasionally, I get one, like when we baked pies together for Pi day.

For the record, I hate math, but I love any excuse to get in the kitchen with my girl.

I could go on and on about our amazing child of God but there is so much to say and so little time. So, here are a few pictures of her lately:

First Haircut (Took over 2 years to get enough hair to cut.) She did GREAT! Just needed a sucker!

Maundy Thursday Activity with Mommy (John 13: 1-17)

The day after Leighton's Birthday Party, we closed on our new house!! Oh my goodness, we are in love!

We are MUCH closer to Jeremy's work. Our house is the perfect size (4 BR 3.5 BA) for our growing family and we are slowly but surely getting settled in. Ya'll know it's driving my OCD self crazy realizing we probably won't be 100% organized by the time Asher gets here but I am learning to let that go because whether or not every picture is hung in the right spot, our family is so blissfully happy right now! The day we closed on our house, Jeremy was so giddy and was kissing me as we lay on our empty living room floor (something we did when we closed on our first home) and said "I feel like we are newlyweds again, don't you?" Oh, he was so right. It's great to get a fresh start even though we will miss certain things and people in Montgomery forever.

I won't post our new address publicly here but our close friends and family should have received a "We Have Moved Card" looking similar to this just with a little "Sybil" flair. I wrote a cute poem to go on ours.

Moving was hectic to say the least but we had so much help from amazing friends and relatives and are completely moved out of our first home. I don't know of anyone who actually likes moving. The only part I LOVE about moving is purging things we don't need or use. This is harder for Jeremy than it is for me, he can be a bit of a hoarder, but he did SO well. I was amazed at all of the *gasp* beloved computer items he got rid of. Proud wife moment! In the midst of moving was when Leighton had her last apt with our pediatrician and we had to say goodbye to her precious first MDO teachers.

I cried on both occasions. Deb, Laura, and Dr. M were all very special people to us and we will miss them dearly. I also had a diaper shower, shopped consignment for both of my babies Spring and Summer wardrobe (let's not even discuss how many hours that took, but it was a blast, as usual) and had another baby shower. So, it has been crazy but in a good, happy way. I wish I could put in to words all of the joy filling this new home of ours!

Many Sweet Gifts At Asher's Shower 

Food Table- There Was SO Much Food! 

Sister Got a Some Sweet Big Sister Gifts...

But She Still Thought ALL The Gifts Were For Her :)

Precious Cake and Decor 

Taking a Break From Present Opening To Read Her New Book 

Can Anyone Take a Wild Guess As To What His Main Nursery Theme is?

Our Asher is doing really well and hanging in there! We had our last apt with Dr. L at 32 weeks and everything was great! I went to my new Dr. a few days passed 34 weeks and I like her a lot, so far. She is actually nationally recognized for research she did on pre eclampsia! How cool is that? We figured, if I were to get sick again, at least I'd be in really knowledgeable hands. The 34 week apt was good, blood pressure was picture perfect. They did a very looonnggg ultrasound on Asher to look at him for themselves and get measurements on everything. I was most nervous about this apt because 34 weeks was when I got sick with Leighton but no signs of that this time! Yay! Asher weighed approximately 5 lbs at 34 weeks which is what Leighton weighed at birth at 36 weeks. God is blessing us with a big baby boy and putting all of my fears to bed. At 35 weeks everything was still looking good and I had my GBS test. I was elated when the Dr. told me I could wait 2 weeks (37 weeks) to come back. I couldn't believe we were actually going to make it to term with this baby. God is SO good. We got to 37 weeks with no complications and at my apt I was 1 cm dilated, my blood pressure was perfect, and I am GBS negative, which was weird to me since I was positive with Leighton. Good news all around so we will take it! 38 week apt was this past Tuesday and my blood pressure was better than ever and still just 1 cm dilated. We are 38 weeks and 5 days today! I can't believe it! We are getting really excited and anxious for him to get here. We have been looking in to all the natural ways to get him evicted, especially when/ if we make it to 39 weeks. I'd love to just go in to labor naturally and not have to worry with the whole induction process this time but I am so miserable at night time (day times are great!) that I am just not sure about going too far past my due date without an induction. We will take it day by day I guess. We won't be caught off guard this time, though. Hospital bags have been packed and ready to go for weeks, just in case. I even got to make cute gifts for our nurses this time and everything. You know, Priorities.

Our Resurrection Sunday was pretty perfect! Early Church, then some sweet friends over for a fabulous (if I do say so myself) lunch that I prepared at 9.5 months pregnant. I was pretty proud of myself! We even had a vegan guest that I prepared separate food for. It was completely exhausting but oh so good! We weren't able to travel to be with family because of the whole "could go in to labor at any moment" situation, but this was definitely the next best thing! We hope all of our loved ones has a great Easter and remembered that it's about so much more than bunnies and baskets. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for us all and paying for our sins so that we might enjoy eternal life with you in "Heaben," as Leighton would say.

 I will try to post again before Asher gets here but I am not promising anything. The next post may very well be our son's birth story! We covet your prayers on a great delivery and smooth transition in to a family of 4! We are so excited!