Monday, August 23, 2010

12 Weeks!!!

We have made it through the First Trimester! We were so excited for our 12 week OB appointment today at 3:30. We got to hear our sweet baby's heartbeat! Baby McGhee was trying to hide from us and it took a while but, then, there it was, faint but very strong! Sweetest music to this momma's ears! We didn't get to see baby today (sadly, no pics) but hearing it's sweet heart was perfect for us! We asked our wonderful OB lots of questions today, mostly about traveling during pregnancy, because ya'll know I am always going somewhere, and about Cord Blood Donation. We have chosen to donate sweet baby's cord blood so hopefully our miracle will be someone elses too! We will do an entire post later as to what this means, why we chose it, Donating vs. Banking, etc. This is probably your first time reading this blog so please read all the previous posts to catch up on our baby's journey so far! Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers through the First Trimester! Please continue to pray for baby and mommy's health and ESPECIALLY for our next appointment, September 20th, (our 16 week OB appointment) as I will be having lots of blood work done and ya'll know how special I am when it comes to all that!