Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekend Getaway

Everyone, especially parents, need to just get away sometimes. Flee from life's demands and just be. Go wherever you want. Do whatever you want. No worries. So, that's what we did, Jeremy and I, two weekends ago. The In-loves came in town to hang out with and love on our girl for the weekend while we packed up our bags and headed out to a beautiful B&B about an hour away from home.

                                                       Mistletoe Bough Bed and Breakfast.
 (I am still mad that we didn't take a picture of the outside because it was GORGEOUS but here is a partial view of our precious quarters: "Andrea's Room.")

Mistletoe Bough is tucked away in a Mayberry-like town, a little place called Alex City. It was built in 1895, originally owned by the banker in town. Long story short, over the years the family of said banker let it go and then some folks bought it, fixed it up, and sold it to the owners who turned it in to a B&B. The Queen Anne Victorian decor is gorgeous and the house has 6 bedrooms and bathrooms. Now,this was the first B&B Jeremy or I had ever stayed in but, apparently, it's pretty rare to find a B&B with a bathroom for every bedroom.

We got a deal on our vacay via Groupon, only paid half price for a 2 night stay. I originally bought the deal about a year ago. It was about to expire and it ended up being just the right weekend for us to get away, God's timing is always perfect. Thanks to Groupon, we received chocolate covered strawberries and roses upon arrival.

 It was a great welcome. We knew we were going to love the inkeeper, Joanne Fraizer, instantly. She was both friendly and hilarious. We got a dinner recommendation to a local steakhouse, Jakes, and enjoyed a wonderful meal. It's pretty rare, with a toddler, that I get to eat a hot meal, even at a restaurant, so I savored every moment. We came back to the B&B and sweet Joanne made us a dessert of brownies, ice cream, chocolate syrup and cool whip. It was delicious.

The next morning we were cooked a fantastic breakfast of monkey bread, fruit mixture, and breakfast casserole. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the upstairs where all of the guest rooms are has a Keurig coffee maker for everyone to use and a little refrigerator with a carafe of water for each room. Like I said, first B&B ever, but I don't think most provide all of that. After breakfast it was off to explore this delightful little town. We went to a few shops while we waited for the Wellborn Muscle Car Museum to open. We thoroughly enjoyed our visits and seeing cars like the one in Smokey the Bandit driven by Burt Reynolds:

                                                     (The Black One)
 And the car from The Rockford Files (Pictured above)
 And there was even a pink car to satisfy this PhiMu4Life. (I know, that was cheesy but no pink item, lion statue, quatrefoil shape, or lady bug goes unnoticed. Ever.)

Next, we moved on to Carlisle's Drug Store.

It's a Pharmacy/Gift Shop with the only full service "Old Fashion Soda Fountain" in the state, built in 1914. It was precious and Jeremy enjoyed a root beer float whilst I enjoyed  a coke float.

We then headed over to the wine store because we heard they did tastings. When we arrived, it was actually more than just an adorable wine store, there was also a tiny restaurant where you could enjoy some tapas. We didn't have time for that but we will definitely do it next time. Turns out, they only do tastings during the week but the lady was kind enough to do a miniature tasting for us. Typical small southern town, every one was just so dang nice, ya'll.

Next, we drove out to Niffer's in Dadeville for lunch. Yes, the same famous institution in Auburn has a twin. I never knew that. I miss Niffer's constantly so it was a real treat to enjoy some corn nuggets on the porch looking out at Lake Martin. I might just like this location better, shhh don't tell my fellow AU Alums.

When we got back in town we stopped by the B&B to change and then headed out to the little carnival that was in town, just for fun. Well, after braving a few of the rides that looked like they were falling apart we decided we were crazy, and hot, and our tummies needed a rest. So we called it a day. We aren't as young and fearless as we used to be, friends.

Back at the B&B we lounged on the porch swing. In the breeze. In silence. It was so very lovely. My mind drifted and I began to think about where I was one year ago. I often do this to see how different things are, how far I have come, what has changed, etc. A year ago I had a 2.5 month old.

Who was premature and tiny. Who barely ate anything. Who had terrible reflux and cried in pain almost every minute she was awake because she had painful reflux and threw up almost everything she ate.

I remembered blaming myself. Was it something I ate/didn't eat/drank/didn't drink/certain vitamins I took/didn't take. Should I have exercised more? Less? Could I have done anything to prevent the pre-eclampsia that wrecked havoc on my body and caused my innocent child to be born too soon? Oh, mommy guilt. Why, oh why, do we beat ourselves up so much? Then I reflected back to the now. I have a happy, growing, walking toddler who eats everything in sight and adores her parents. And doesn't remember anything from a year ago, thanks be to His holy name.

We got ready for dinner a short while later and went to Sinclair's On The Lake. We have 2 Sinclair's locations here in Montgomery but we had never been to the third which sits on Lake martin, has the best view of the sunset in the area, and it a good bit larger than the others. We got our favorite appetizer, the She Crab soup and we both had a delicious meal.  We came back to the B&B to delicious Red Velvet cupcakes waiting on us, courtesy of the inn keeper.

The next morning we enjoyed another FABULOUS breakfast of sausage, French toast with a blueberry yogurt-like filling and a banana dish which had brown sugar, almonds, and sour cream in it. I wanted the recipe so badly but I am assuming it is all mixed to taste. I think I am going to attempt to make it this weekend because it was just so good, so if I get it right, I'll post the recipe.

We packed up our stuff and left a note in the little book on the bedside table. We said our goodbyes to Joanne (who said we were the "prettiest" guests she had ever had in 6 years. She probably says that to everyone but I thought it was SO sweet). Then we were off to our last stop, Horse Shoe Bend National Park. This is where the Battle at Horse Shoe Bend was fought. You know, the one you were forced to learn about in Alabama History class back in... 4th grade was it? Well, I know many people don't enjoy history like I do so long story short, the Indians lost and the white men won, and this is essentially how Georgia and Alabama became a part of the United States. Riveting stuff, I know.  But it was gorgeous. You drove your car through the whole thing and got out at designated stops where there were little info stands to let you know why that particular stop was important. I liked the whole driving thing, because I am not a big "nature girl." I mean, I love a little camping trip as much as the next person but I am not a fan of anything buggy, or snake- like, or poison ivy, get the point.

After a wonderful weekend we were ready to get back home to our precious girl who was very good for her Honey and Paw Paw all weekend. It's nice to get away but it was great to be home again.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Link Love

Well, here goes nothing! My first attempt at making this blog not just about Leighton. Although, it will still revolve in large part around her.

Because, let's face it, she's adorable. And always keeping things 'round here interesting. 

Like this week she is cutting two new teeth, saying "no, no, no," and purposefully dropping things so she can say "uh oh." It's all adorable. Except maybe the "no, no, no."  Moving on.

In the passed couple of weeks I have run across some things on the internet (via friends, family members, random blogs I stalk follow) some very interesting, enlightening, encouraging things. None of them have much, if anything, in common. But they are all good. So, in no particular order, a fruit salad of links I love lately:

Ok, I HEART David Platt, (and not just because he shares my maiden name but that does make him even more awesome, of course) especially his book, Radical  but seriously, this is the best thing I have heard in a long time, or maybe ever. PREACH, David. 

I do love me some Hunger Games, friends. Here is an interesting point of view on how the plot (according to the author) "is like a highway with plenty of 'exits' pointing to spiritual issues." I was really only thinking mostly about the political issues when I read it, if I am honest. 

Sweet mom friends who feel a little inadequate most of the time (like me), come. Sit a spell. And read this. Feel better now? Me too.

And finally, all women of the, who stumble across this post... watch this. (Warning: the guy is a little eccentric but the message is fantastic.) 

Since typing the words "fruit salad" my tummy has been grumbling. Off to the kitchen I go. Not too much longer until nap time is over and this little watermelon wakes... 

See, there I go again with the fruit.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

12 Month Session With Heart Photography

We had so much fun at Leighton's 12 Month Photo Shoot. It's a lot more difficult to take pictures of an active one year old as opposed to a sleepy newborn or an 8 month old that only knows how to sit, but our sweet photographer did such an excellent job as always. Stacy at Heart Photography is just incredible. I don't know what I will do when we eventually move from Montgomery and don't have her right around the corner anymore. I posted 1/2 or so of the pictures on Facebook already, so I am going to post the other half here. If you want to see any picture larger just click on it.

Do not copy or reproduce these photos in any way. They are copyrighted and the only people who may do anything but look at them are myself and the photographer. Do NOT steal, it's against the law and just not very nice :)