Monday, June 6, 2011

Leighton's Life- 4 Months

I cannot even begin to describe the emotions this picture stirs in me. In just 4 ridiculously short months my baby girl has gone from a mere 5 lb 3 ounces 18 inches long teeny tiny newborn to a 12 lb 5 ounces 23 in. long infant. Time has flown so quickly. I have truly cherished every moment with this angel, I make a conscious effort not to take it for granted, even the rough times, and there have been PLENTY of those (more on that later.) I look forward to these next stages of Leighton; trying solid foods, developing her personality more, becoming more active, etc. However, I dearly miss the days where all she wanted to do was snuggle with her momma. I can't help but get misty eyed on days like today when we are sitting in the well baby waiting area of the pediatricians office and a new mommy is bringing her days old baby in for it's first check up. That day for us seems so long ago some times and others, just like yesterday.

Today was Leighton's 4 Month Well Baby Check Up. These are the highlights:

-She is 12 lbs 5 ounces (20th percentile, yay!)
- She is 23 inches (still only 10th percentile but she grew 3.25 inches in 2 mos. the nurse was so stunned she measured her again just to make sure. She will catch up, I'm not worried!)
- Her head is 16 inches around (45th percentile! It's that big brain of hers)
- She got her 2nd round of shots, 3 needles one oral (DTaP, Polio, Hepatitus B, HIB, PCV, and Rotavirus...she hated every second of it but I think it's because she was tired and hungry. I promise I hated it more than she did)
- She has hit all of the 4 month milestones! (Smiling, laughing, focusing, putting hands together)
-She can start being given teethers (How did she get big enough for this?)
- We will start giving her rice cereal on a spoon for breakfast and dinner (while still feeding her her breast milk bottles w/rice cereal the same as we have been.)
- Her reflux is still very much present. Dr. M says that he is hopeful that it will be gone by 6 months.
- In 3 weeks we can start her on orange/yellow veggies! (I am hoping to make all of her baby food myself. It's cheaper and healthier that way)

This passed month Leighton has really discovered her hands. She puts them together, tries to hold her bottle with them, puts them in her mouth all.the.time, and loves to grab on the toys, blankets, burp cloths, her paci, whatever she can get those little hands on. And, of course, she wants to put it all in her mouth. She is laughing and talking so much. I can barely remember a time when she didn't talk because it is constant. She has become very aware of her surroundings. She loves checking out new places. She really enjoys staring at the ceiling fans and the mobiles on her crib and swing. She needs to be entertained constantly. Gone are the days when she could just cuddle in my arms and be content. She wants to be moving and looking around. She drools A LOT. Dr. M says that he believes teeth are in her near future. I am taking a deep breath and bracing myself for that. I didn't have teeth until 8 months so we shall see. She is still on 100% breast milk. I get nervous every day that I am not going to produce enough for her to eat but God keeps providing! We keep a can of formula on hand just in case she ever gets to the point where she wants more than she can get from me. We hope that won't be he case but we aren't going to starve her just because we don't want her to be on formula. She is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. Can I get an amen from all the mommas out there! Hitting 12 lbs and that rice cereal in her bottle did the trick, just as our Dr. predicted. She has discovered her feet with her eyes. Sometimes she will just stare at them for long periods of time as if she's thinking "what are those?" And speaking of feet she LOVES to kick them and does so often, especially when having her diaper changed. She is doing the baby "push ups" and teeters from side to side so I am sure she will roll front to back any time now. She has complete control of her head, very rarely bobbles.

Some days she looks just like me and others she looks just like her daddy so, I think, she is a good mix of both of us. She is SUCH a happy baby as long as she has had her reflux medication and her gripe water for her severe gas. She will talk to and laugh with just about anyone. We did switch her reflux medication from Zantac to Prevacid. In all honesty, nothing has changed. She still spits up like crazy and Dr. M says she will just have to grow out of it. I cannot wait for the time where I don't have to do laundry every single day.

 Leighton's favorite things are her bath, her swing, rocking, bouncing, talking, and exploring with her eyes, being sung to. She seems to be developing her momma's personality; very social. She smiles the biggest for her daddy and her "Bella."

She hates, having lotion put on her after a bath, car rides when there is no one in the back with her to entertain her, being cold.

Leighton, you just keep growing like a weed and bringing more joy to me daily. I am looking forward to my 5th month with you! I am so blessed that you are healthy and happy and I love you more than you could ever comprehend.