Thursday, September 2, 2010

14 Weeks

Yep, that's a picture of a lemon! And, no, I didn't just post that because I LOVE lemons and could eat them all day long, but it's about how big Baby McGhee is today, at 14 weeks! It's pretty hard for me to believe. Right about now our baby is developed enough to squint, frown, and possibly even suck it's little thumb!

I have begun to show just a teeny bit, so that is exciting!

I had my first true craving on Wednesday, Chinese food. Now, I'm hoping the rest of them will be healthy cravings!

These last couple of Sundays we have been learning how to raise Godly children. We have really enjoyed these lessons as God is clearly preparing us for parenthood. So, we are currently praying these prayers for ourselves and baby: 1. That we will be able to teach our baby that the word of God is an absolute truth. (2 Tim. 3) 2. That we will be able to teach our baby that everything in life must revolve around scripture. (Matt. Ch. 22) 3. That we will be able to teach baby to view everything in this life through a biblical perspective. 4. That we will be intentional in teaching these truths. (Deut. 6: 4-7 and 7:9) Will you join us in praying these things, we sure would appreciate it!

Our little Tiger will be attending it's first official Auburn game this weekend! War Eagle! 

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't already, you ought to read "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp. It is a wonderful book about raising children!
