Friday, September 10, 2010

15 Weeks

Our baby is now 15 weeks along and about the size of, you guessed it, an apple! He or she now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces. Baby's lungs are developing and it's legs are starting to grow longer than it's arms. Baby can now move all of it's joints and limbs, so I am sure it won't be long before I can feel little Tiger kicking away, as they say thinner women tend to feel baby moving sooner. We shall see. Baby's eyes are still fused shut but apparently, baby can still see light. They say if you shine a flashlight on your belly, baby will move away from the light. I think I'll just take their word for it. Baby is also forming taste buds, though there really isn't much for he/she to taste yet.

Little Tiger (btw, this is what we have officially "named" baby until we know what he/she is) had quite an outing last weekend. We took baby to it's first Auburn Game. It was a beautiful day. We got to see many friends, sat on the 50 yard line 8th row, and Auburn won. Of course, if they don't start playing better I may have to quit watching them, that kind of stress can't be good for baby ;) Yeah, like that's gonna happen. Here are a few pictures from our adventure:

God is an Auburn Fan ;)

The slightest "bump," though for some reason I looked more pregnant that day than I do today. All that tailgate food, perhaps? Sigh.

One last thing, the Bladder must be a very comfortable organ, because that's where baby is layin and baby.won't.budge. I have tried talking little Tiger in to moving to another area, to no avail. Oh well, pretty soon sweet baby, you will be laying in our arms. How we cannot wait for that day. 


  1. What a sweet little "love bump" :) Can't wait to see you grow!!!

  2. You, Jermy & 'lil Tiger look beautiful. The glow surrounding y'all is awesome to see. Thanks for sharing your journey. Nonnie
