Monday, July 19, 2010

The Best News Ever

The test results are in and are crystal clear...

WE ARE PREGNANT! (7 weeks pregnant, to be exact) We are very excited, and still trying to take it all in. Though we have known almost 2 weeks, it still doesn't seem real! We are going to be parents. Forever. Wow, what a blessing. Here's the full story of everything you need to know so far:

I suspected we were expecting the weekend of the 4th of July. We had family in town and I was extremely exhausted. As in, could not function properly exhausted, which I knew was a typical pregnancy symptom. I couldn't even help my mother with the dishes after lunch on the 4th, I had to take a nap, which is so not me! (I still feel bad about that mom, thanks for being a champ) After our company left, we were watching the 4th of July fireworks in our front yard discussing whether or not we should take a test.

On the morning of Tuesday, July 6th, I took the test (the one you see pictured above is THE actual test) A few long minutes later there it was, in black and white. YES with the cute little "+" sign. I stared at the test for what felt like forever. Then I cried a few tears of joy, said a prayer thanking God for our little miracle.

 I am definitely the "want to wait 12 weeks before telling many people" mommy-to-be, so it has been so hard not to say anything for the last two weeks! Really the only people that know so far are my mother, my in-laws and my grandmother (because my mom has difficulty keeping her lips zipped). We told both grandparents-to-be in very special ways that I will post about later, after we have told my Daddy and my mom's husband, Mark. Yep, she's even keeping it a secret from him. We are telling the rest of our families this upcoming weekend and then waiting to tell friends at 12 weeks. Everyone's reactions so far have been just as wonderful, excited, and supportive as we could have hoped for. I will post pics of all of the reactions in one post as soon as possible. 

I had my first Doctor's appointment on Tuesday, July 13th, one week after we found out. It was just a regular apt. with exam, no lab work or ultrasound yet, that happens a week from today, July 26th at 2:30. We are hoping to hear our sweet baby's heartbeat but since I will only be about 8 weeks we know there's a chance we wont hear it. 

I tested positive for Group B Strep which just means I will have to be on antibiotics during labor and delivery. 

Please keep us in your prayers that we will have a HEALTHY baby, I am doing all that I can to ensure that is the case, and that the Lord will show us how to raise this baby the way HE wants us too.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Aubrey was here!

    (Mini-McGhee: This is simply to prove to your mother that I do in fact read her blogs!)

    Love you both with much to grow!
