Sunday, May 1, 2011

Month 3

This passed month has flown by so quickly and in that short time our little love has been growing like a weed! There is no Dr. apt for 3 months so I had to estimate her weight by doing the whole "weigh myself then weigh myself again holding her" thing. This is probably not the most accurate way to weigh her but by my estimations she is about 10 and a half pounds, meaning she has more than doubled her birth weight in just 3 months! And it should come as no surprise because she eats like a little piggy, between 4 and 5 ounces of milk for 6 feedings in a 24 hr period meaning she gets anywhere from 24 to 30 ounces of milk a day. Oh, I cannot tell you how happy it makes this momma to know she is growing so well. As any mother of a preemie would probably tell you, weight gain is at the top of the worry chart, at least it is for me. She is still on 100% breastmilk and I know if I put her on formula she would gain more however, I know she needs the antibodies from breastmilk that formula just can't give her. So, we are sticking with it. At 4 months Dr. M will start her on rice cereal and I have a feeling by that point my weight worries will be long gone.

Leighton is doing MUCH better with her Reflux. I cannot tell you how hard it is to watch your baby scream in pain several times a day and be helpless to fix it. Mothers who have parented babies with severe reflux understand. I attribute her happier disposition to getting more sleep, her prescription of Zantac and most importantly, to GRIPE WATER. This stuff is heaven in a bottle. I am convinced it's made of angel tears. I know, I know, it's homeopathic and not approved by the FDA. Well frankly I could It works, ya'll. If you have a fussy baby due to colic, teething, stomach  issues, etc. buy some. You won't be sorry. It can be found just about anywhere there is a pharmacy, usually with the other stomach meds, like pepto. (Walmart and Walgreens are where we have purchased it.) There are many different brands but they all work the same. One other thing we might try to help wit her reflux is to visit a pediatric chiropractor. Apparently they do some kind of magic on your baby's back that is really supposed to help, at least that what my mother's chiropractor said. Anyone ever heard of/tried this? Your opinion and any information is welcomed and appreciated.

Leighton is sleeping for longer stints between feedings. I love those mommy "AH HA" moments when you all of the sudden realize exactly what your baby needs. God gave us mother's intuition for a reason. Sweet girl had been SO fussy at feeding times and I knew it couldn't still be the reflux because she was on her medication and spitting up less, so what could it be? AH HA! Two things hit me at once. We need to move up a nipple size on her bottle a little earlier than the recommended 3 months, and she needed more sleep! Much better.

Speaking of moving up in sizes, at 9 weeks old we moved up to a size 1 diaper! I couldn't believe she was finally big enough for that and I shed a few tears but I also reminded myself that it was a good thing because it meant she was growing!

This child is ready to GET UP AND GO. She takes after her mommy in that way. She loves to "sit up" and "stand up" with help, of course. I wonder if she will walk at 9 months like I did. We shall see. She is also ready to talk. She loves to talk to everyone, especially her Bella. She smiles, coos, and laughs like crazy. I wish I could describe the pure joy I feel every time she smiles. It just lights up my life.

At 10 weeks old she had her first stay in our church's nursery. I was a ball of nerves but she did SO great. I think it was because it was just the day before when I discovered she needed more sleep so she was wonderfully sleepy for the sweet nursery workers. Hopefully, I will be less anxious each week. It's one of those times I am so thankful I get to stay at home with her because I would be a nervous wreck having to leave her all day somewhere, forget just a couple of hours for Sunday School and the sermon.

Leighton's favorite thing is still snuggling with mommy. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I know there will come a day that she no longer wants to snuggle with me so I am cherishing every single moment.

Other favorites are still her paci and bath time!

Leighton, you just get more beautiful every day. I know people aren't supposed to say that their own baby is beautiful but you are the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. Your smile melts my heart and is infectious. My love for you knows no bounds and I am so proud to call you mine. I am excited to see what fun things are in store for month four!


  1. Uh, you are totally allowed to say she's beautiful. I'm just saying'. :)

  2. Oh, it gets to be even more fun really soon. Less emotionally tiring but just as physically tiring. Our little boy (now 19 months) didn't crawl until 9 months, and then walked at 11 months and ran at 14 months. He currently looks like one giant blonde bruise with legs.

    Every minute is awesome, though exhausting. The "reality adjustment" has been good for my faith and outlook on life too :)

    Now if I could only get some more sleep!
