Friday, January 7, 2011

8 Down and 8 To Go

                                                            Baby Bump- 32 Weeks

Today marks 8 months (or 32 weeks) of pregnancy for us, which means we only have 8(ish) more weeks to go! I still cannot believe how fast time is moving, the second half has moved much more quickly than the first. I am growing increasingly excited to meet my little girl. I know my life will be changed forever very soon and I welcome that change with open arms. 

At 32 weeks Leighton weighs approximately 3.75 pounds, as much as a large Jicama (any ever heard of this fruit/vegetable before?) and is about 16.7 inches long. I am supposedly gaining about a pound a week, now, and roughly half of that goes right to baby girl. Actually, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival out here in the world. She now has toenails, fingernails, and possibly some hair/peach fuzz. Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth. 

Speaking of preparation for birth, I attended my first birthing class this week and all I will say is it was certainly an experience. Those who have attended know what I mean. We watched some, ughm, informative videos and they were not what I was expecting. Though I couldn't tell you what I actually was expecting, I just know it wasn't that. Next week will be better, however, because we get to tour the hospital and work on all of the birthing/breathing techniques. Oh, and it's definitely the "season" for girls. Out of all the couples in the class, only 2 were expecting boys. 

Nursery is coming along well! I know, I keep saying that and then not showing any pictures. I promise you, barring any major complications/setbacks I will have 90% of the nursery completed by this Wednesday and will provide picture evidence. All I can say is I couldn't be happier with it, it's exactly what I was hoping for.

In other exciting news: our sweet baby girl is going to have her first, first cousin expected to arrive in mid-August. Alesha, and her husband, Tim, are preggo, too! We have known since before Christmas but it hadn't been made "public" (aka "Facebook official") until recently and this is the first post I have written since it was announced. Congrats to you guys, we are so excited Leighton will have a cousin so close in age!

This upcoming week is going to be busy,busy! This weekend will include a ton of nursery work. Monday, I believe there is some important football game going on? WAR EAGLE! Tuesday, birthing class. Wednesday, breastfeeding class. Thursday, OB appointment and Marriage2Marriage bible study (we are so excited about this getting started up!) Then, there are baby showers and maternity photos right around the corner! 

I still feel pretty great! It is harder to sleep at night now, because rolling from side to side has become quite difficult and heartburn likes to strike at night, too. However, it's not unbearable, so I'm not going to complain. I still have swelling but I am just expecting that to remain until after giving birth. 

All in all, my happiness that I am becoming a mommy so soon outweighs any discomfort. I am so in love with you already, Leighton. 

1 comment:

  1. haha! A fake ring! you are hilarious! People are... stupid. They should be able to look at you and say 'look at that precious, classy girl!' :)
    Next time you get a stare you should say "I'm sorry, I noticed you were staring at me... can I help you with something?!" Just kidding!! That's something that I would do... :)

    Good luck with the last 8 weeks!! My sis is having a baby too! :) She is due July 11... my birthday is July 10th. I don't know how I feel about that! No one wants their own birthday taken over by a baby... haha!
