Monday, November 1, 2010

Baby's First Vacation

Well, the past 2 weeks have gone by so fast! I was always told that after the first half, your pregnancy seems to go by much slower. Not for us! At 22 weeks gestation our baby girl now weighs 1 whole pound (ohmygosh that makes me tear up a little bit... silly pregnancy hormones), and is around 11 inches long, about the size of a squash. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises don't have a colored part yet. Inside her tummy, her pancreas is developing.

Leighton has officially taken her first vacation, which was also her first time out of the country! We went on a cruise to the Bahamas and Key West (one of my favorite places in the Continental US). It was an absolute blast.

While on the trip, I ate so much that baby Leighton may actually weigh more than one pound! ;) I've only had a couple of headaches so that made me happy and I never broke down and took any meds. I don't know why I have been so against taking anything, it just never felt "right." But, I appreciate all of the advice everyone gave me as to how to get rid of them. While on the cruise I read "Baby Wise." It all sounded great and I'm hoping it all works as fabulously as everyone says in the reviews. I would love any advice about it from you parents who have followed it.

I have been feeling her move a lot more recently which is my absolute favorite thing in the world! I have been having some minor back pain that is a little frustrating when I am trying to sleep but it could probably be much worse, so I am not going to complain. 

I 100% understand pregnant brain. I forget everything unless I write it down immediately and that is so not like me, and it seems it gets worse the further along we get. I have so many reminders in my crackberry now, that it's alerting me like every 5 minutes!

Nursery preperation is underway! All of her bedding is in (except for a few minor things) so we are just waiting on the furniture! We have started moving everything that is currently in her room out of there so that we can begin the painting process. It's going to be pretty complicated so I am hoping to begin later this week. This is the most exciting part so far, aside from finding out the sex, of course! 

Also, in just a couple of weeks I go in for the dreaded gestational diabetes test. Any advice for that would be much appreciated as well!

I have had the craziest dreams during this pregnancy. I'll either have the most terrifying nightmares or dreams that are so weird that I'd kind of be embarrassed to share.  

Lastly, here is a picture of me at 22 weeks pregnant! A couple people mentioned they want to see a pic of my actual belly. Well, your wish is my command. Enjoy!


  1. I see that your going in for your gestational diabetes test. I don't know how it's going to be for you, but It was miserable for me. I had to drink the orange Drink and ended up having to do it twice because my test didn't come back right! I will def. be praying for you that day because I never want to re live having to drink that.. I also threw up twice a day during my pregnancy so I espically threw up after that drink! Good Luck Sybil!

  2. Oh Lord is that what I have to look forward to? haha...well, at least I haven't thrown up at all!

  3. I know many people hate the drink, but to me it tastes like Crush or some other orange soda. If you like that kind of drink, you should be okay. I hate the bloodwork.
