Thursday, October 14, 2010

Half Way There

A little Bon Jovi anyone? "Ohhh we're half way there...." too much?
Well, it's very hard to believe that we've made it to 20 weeks. It feels like just a couple weeks ago we were sharing our news with the world and now we have reached the half way mark! Baby girl now weighs about 11 ounces. She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel, about the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against it's torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of it's head to it's bottom, the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, they are measured from head to toe.) She is swallowing a lot these days, which is good practice for her digestive system.

I have been feeling her little flutters of movement lately which is SO exciting! I absolutely love feeling her move, it brings me so much joy. I cannot wait until she is kicking enough for others to feel her!

I had my first random stranger come up to me and touch my belly the other day at the mall. I didn't like it. It was weird. I would never touch a stranger's baby bump. Oh, and then this stranger told me she could sell me something for my acne (caused by the pregnancy). Umm, thanks?

Sadly, I think I got a little ahead of myself when I said my headaches were gone. They returned last weekend with a vengeance. I still couldn't bring myself to take any medicine. However, with the weekend gone, so were the headaches again. None this week so far.

We had our 20 week ultrasound this afternoon which confirmed, she's all girl! It was so incredible to sit there and watch my baby girl move. And was she ever moving! She had the hiccups (sooo cute to watch even though I know she didn't like them) so that made her kick and squirm like crazy! We also got to observe her touch her face with her little hands and play with her feet. She is no longer Breech (YAY) but again, she still has lots of room to move around so that could change any time, though we will keep praying that it won't! The u/s tech and OB both confirmed that she is perfect as far as growth of all limbs/organs. 

Oh, and mommy to be is growing well, too. I have gained 9 lbs thus far (and at halfway there, that's pretty perfect). They told me at the start of this process I should gain about 25-35 lbs. I also found out today that my blood type is A+. Yeah, I know it's sad I didn't know that before age 23andahalf but as you know, from reading previous posts, I don't just willingly give my blood away, and I guess I just never really needed to know. Her dad is A+ as well, so I guess it will be no surprise what Leighton is. And, maybe her grades in school will be around that same letter ;) This will be way easier to remember than all of our Social Security and Drivers License numbers! 

We got a video of her u/s today, so hopefully I can figure out how to upload it. Until then, as promised, here are pictures of nursery inspirations (see if you can try and envision what her nursery will look like from these little clues), and an updated "bump" picture.  

Nursery Inspiration Pictures: (Some items pictured may be things we are actually using, some may just be ideas, some may be in there just to throw you off. You just never know...) Cannot wait to hear everyone's thoughts/ reactions!


                               The growing belly: 20 weeks!


  1. Sybil I get debilitating headaches too--It's horrible! My doc told me if they get bad enough (since you're well past your 1st trimester), to take 1 Excedrin and drink a regular coke. IT WORKS!

  2. Ask your Ob if she thinks Magnesium would be okay for you to take. I had to take it while I was pregnant and felt much better. So much that I still take my Magnesium every morning. I haven't had a headache/migraine in months. Love you!

  3. Love your updates, Sybil, especially since I'm at nearly the same week you are at. (I'll be 20 weeks on Sunday.)

    I'm sorry you're having headaches. You never know what side effects pregnancy will have, and not all of them are fun. I hope your headaches subside soon.

    Love the bump photo. :)
