Thursday, October 18, 2012


 Well, I thought I'd post a little Q&A about pregnancy and baby #2, like we did when we were expecting Leighton. The questions and advice (you know, the kind pregnant moms get that they don't even ask for...if you have ever been pregnant you know exactly what I mean) have been in full force this last week or so. So, here ya go, some common questions these days:

Q. Does Leighton have any idea what is going on?
A. To a degree, yes. When you ask her where the baby is she points at my belly. When you ask her to kiss the baby, she kisses my belly and says "aww". She will tell you she's a "Big Sister." She LOVES babies and is such a little momma. When a baby cries, Leighton is on it like white on rice with a bottle and paci in hand and trying to soothe the baby by rubbing it and saying "you're ok." When she can't calm a baby down, she cries (she's a sympathy crier, like her momma). All, that said, we don't think she has any clue that she's about to get a permanent baby who wants just as much attention from mommy and daddy as she does. We know she will be a great big sister, though. As I said, she's great with babies and she love to help mommy.

Q. Do you want a boy this time?
A. I'll be honest here, this question makes me laugh and then a tiny bit angry every time we are asked. The God honest truth is, we want a healthy baby that we can, hopefully, carry full term this time. The sex organs don't matter. I know some people say "we just want a healthy baby" but deep down, they are hoping for one sex or another. That's not us. It just doesn't matter to us. Would it be fun to have a boy and experience the difference in raising children of both sexes? Absolutely! Would I LOVE for Leighton to have a sister? Definitely. I had/have 2 half sisters growing up whom I love very much but only got to see during summers and some holidays. I always longed for a 24/7 sister. I will be elated (and a little jealous) if Leighton gets what I longed for. So, really, boy or girl, makes no never mind to us. Just, please, pray for a full term healthy baby no matter what the sex! 

Q. Will this baby be your last? 
A. Short answer: we cannot say yes or no with 100% certainty. 

Q. Will you find out the sex of the baby this time, too?
A. Yes, and we have just a few weeks left until we do! I have always wished to be one of those mommas that can wait. However,  I am too much of a planner, and I felt like I bonded more with Leighton when I knew what she was and could call her by name when I talked to her. Plus, we really want to have a gender reveal party for our close family and friends. Have ya'll seen those? SO adorable. We are doing it for sure.

Q. Do you have names picked out? 
A. Yes, of course. Remember, extreme planner here. We had our boy name left over from last pregnancy, that we are still obsessed with and a new girl name that we love equally. We can't wait to put a name with a fetus and then a face with a name! 

Q. How has this pregnancy been, compared to Leighton's?
A. Two words. Completely different. I am not sure why but I expected it to be just like my pregnancy with Leighton but I am sure every pregnancy is different  The only similarities between the 2 are the whole tired 24/7 and overly emotional bits. But I think that's par for the course in any pregnancy. Differences, well, that's a longer list. Early on I had more back pain, cramping, and an aversion to sweets. WHAT? I have never not wanted something sweet a day in my life. It was a very confusing time in my life, and thankfully, sweets and I are back to getting along just fine. The nausea. Oh, the nausea. With Leighton, I'd feel nauseated, eat something, and all was well. With this little bean, the nausea was 24/7. Nothing helped for a while. Finally, after trying 27 different kinds of pre natals, I found one that seemed to do the trick for the most part. I never did vomit, but I sure wished I could at some points, maybe I would have felt better but I have never been able to force myself to throw up. It was not fun but I know all of the sufferings will be worth it. Thankfully, in the blessed second trimester we've waved goodbye to the nausea. I know, I could have taken some prescription meds for the nausea but if you have been following this blog from day 1, you know that our family doesn't do medicine unless it's absolutely necessary. (i.e. Labor pains = necessary. Give me my epidural and no one gets hurt). This pregnancy I have legitimate cravings. I didn't crave much with Leighton. I have really craved sour things. Sour candy, gum, and lemonade have been my main requests. I also had aversions. I used to think pregnant women made aversions up because I had none with Leighton. Nope. My early aversion to sweets was so strange and then I'd have aversions to the most random things. On 2 occasions, at two of my favorite restaurants, I ordered my favorite meal, and when brought to the table, I took one look and couldn't, wouldn't eat it. Oh, the mysteries of pregnancy. 

A couple of other things I'd like to note: 

1. Jeremy (my wonderful hubby) has been a rock star this pregnancy. He has absolutely spoiled me rotten. Last time, with Leighton, he did a good job, but it was kind of a test drive for both of us. We had no idea what to expect. Pregnancy can be beautiful and terrifying at the same time. This time, he orders me to relax, and during the 1st trimester would do the dishes and other chores I didn't get around to because I was too stinking tired! He ran me baths and made sure to fulfill every food craving I had. Even if it meant driving to 5 different stores (literally) to find a sour candy that I wanted and no one seemed to carry. (Yes, we did end up finding it!) He rubs and scratches my back and plays with my hair. I told him with this kind of treatment I think I'll stay pregnant forever ;)

2. Our house is still for sale.We had a couple who wanted it badly but never could get approved for the loan. They eventually had to re-sign their lease on their current residence so they wouldn't be homeless so we are just playing the waiting game. The thought of moving while pregnant and changing OBs does not sound like fun but we know God has everything under control so we aren't worried. Please pray that we sell our house and can move ASAP! 

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