Friday, August 19, 2011

Leighton's Life- 6 Months Old

                                                        Happy 6 Month Old

I am not sure how it's possible that I have a 6 month old. I guess time flies when you are having fun, and this sure has been a fun month! Leighton's personality is just shining through and I am thrilled that we have such a sweet baby who will smile and talk to anyone willing to listen (including inanimate objects like her toys).

We had her 6 month well baby check up yesterday and it was great! The day did not begin well, though, because on the way to the Dr. office I witnessed a hit and run between 2 vehicles. I was STUNNED that someone would actually leave the scene of an accident they were involved in. So, since I couldn't stop to make sure the gentleman was alright, I called 911 immediately and reported it. I tried to catch up with the runaway vehicle but he was too fast and I would have missed our turn. I hope the police will find him.

As I was saying, the appointment itself was great! Leighton is 25 1/4 inches long (45th percentile) 15.1 lbs (30th percentile) and her head circumference is 16 3/4 (55th percentile). I was elated when Dr. M said "wow, good job momma she is almost the size of an average full-term baby her age!" I started to tear up because it has been a long, hard journey to get her to this point but it has been so worth it. Also, it's such a blessing not only to have a great pediatrician but one who thinks and parents the way I do. Some of the things he says are exactly the things I think. It's hard to explain but the point it, he is awesome.

We discussed her still-present reflux. He says that since she is now cleared for stage 2 foods and will be taking in more solids that the reflux should begin to subside, as it is harder to spit up solids. He wants to try taking her off of the Prevacid on October 1st, unless of course she miraculously stops spitting up before then, and see how she does. I am nervous and excited about that.

I am excited because I can't wait for my daughter to know what it's like the eat without throwing it all back up. An added bonus, we will no longer have to go through the routine of dissolving the pill in water, pulling it in to the syringe, having it get stuck, pouring it out, and repeating. I am nervous because the last thing I want to do is go back to the days where all she did was scream in pain. If that is the case in October when we wean her off, it will probably take a good week to get it back in her system to where she is not in pain. Please begin praying for us on this matter.

Leighton's eyes, ears, and mouth all looked fine. She hit all 6 month milestones. Dr. predicts her first tooth soon (which I already figured) as her bottom gums are bulging a bit. He says we can gradually begin giving her a sippy cup. We'll see how that goes, as this month she figured out and notices what the bottle is and what it's for. She goes crazy when she sees a bottle, or anything resembling one. She has some dry patches of skin on her back which is odd because we always put lotion on her after her bath. Dr. M gave us some better lotion for free so we are trying that.

She got another round of shots, which she was not happy about, of course. However, I can promise you I hated it more because I knew she was much more aware of what was going on than she ever had been and I had to hold her little arms down. I only watched the nurse jab her once with a needle (by accident) and I almost lost my breakfast. I just cannot stand needles or my baby being in pain. She was a trooper though, only cried for a little while, took down the liquid vaccine (Rotavirus) and then passed out asleep in her car seat. She slept well the rest of the day and hasn't had any allergic reactions to any shots thus far. Luckily, her 9 month appointment only involves a finger stick for blood work, no shots!!

Highlights of Month 6:

Leighton tried a few more solid foods (aside from carrots and rice cereal) this month. She tried sweet potatoes and apple sauce (the apple sauce is mixed in with her rice cereal so as not to make it too sweet). The sweet potatoes were home made by yours truly. I just wrapped them in aluminum foil and baked them in the oven on 400 degrees for about an hour. Then peeled off the skin and put them in to the food processor. It was super easy.

The apple sauce I just bought from the store. Not the tiny, expensive Gerber jars, mind you, but the big container of store brand apple sauce in which the only ingredients were apples and water. It was less than $2 and to home make apple sauce would be pretty pricey as apples are pretty expensive. Leighton also tried green beans for the first time yesterday. I am happy to report that she seems to love all the foods she has tried, especially the vegetables. This makes me so happy! My goal is for her to be a much better eater than I am. Oh, and she finally figured out what to do with her tongue a couple of weeks ago and I love it that she now opens her mouth for the spoon now and licks her lips wanting more.

Leighton got sick for the first time this month. She got a mild ...cold, I guess is what I'd call it, but the only thing that was wrong with her was her nose was very stopped up. So, I'd just use a bulb syringe to get the yuckiness out about 5 times a day and use a home made saline solution of 8 oz warm water and a tsp of salt, a couple of those times. I checked her temperature constantly but she never had a fever and she was never overly fussy so I didn't have to give her any medication, I am not a big believer in medicating children just because. I also rubbed baby Vicks on her before naps and bedtime to comfort her. Within a week, it was gone.

Leighton is still sleeping between, give or take, 10 hours at night. She is always down by 8 (sometimes before) and she is usually up at 6. I love that she sleeps so well. Now, I'll just be glad when she figures out how to put her own paci back in her mouth so I don't have to get up a few times during the night to slip it back in.

During her 6th month she was still getting a little formula on top of the breast milk. Since we would be mixing breast milk, formula and rice cereal we referred to them her cocktails.

She is really starting to figure out how to "play" with her toys. She will shake them and pass them from hand to had and, of course, chew on them. She is so smart and has figured out how to work every toy and button on her jumperoo and boy, can she jump in it! She just jumps and laughs, it's precious.

She is trying SO hard (and succeeding a little) to hold her bottle by herself, sit up, and roll from back to front. She hasn't completely mastered any of them yet but she keeps on trying. I think her chunky thighs are preventing her from the back to front roll.

                                                       Cousins: Will and Leighton

Leighton's first younger cousin was born this month! Alesha, and her husband, Tim welcomed their son, William Timothy, on August 4th at 11:35 p.m. He was 9 lbs 21 inches. He is beautiful and Leighton just LOVED getting to meet him. Had he been born after midnight then he and Leighton would have been exactly 6 months apart, but I think it's close enough. I love that the cousins will be so close in age.

She attended her first baby shower (for someone other than herself) this month. My very best friend, Shannon, will be welcoming her son some time next month! We had a great time at the shower and are SO excited to meet baby Hutton!

Leighton's Favorites This Month:

She still loves a bath more than anything (and loves splashing in the water)

She loves having her clothes and diaper changed (thank goodness, because with reflux we change clothes a lot!)

She loves when mommy sings to her.

She loves to talk, smile, and laugh at any and every friendly face. I guess, for now, it's a good thing that she will go to anyone.

The only times she is fussy is when she is tired, hungry, bored, has a dirty diaper or tummy troubles. She is generally a very happy baby.

She loves to play with her feet.

Leighton, if I had written down my ideal child on paper you have far surpassed my wildest dreams. You are the smartest and sweetest baby. I can't believe you are already half a year old. You have no idea how much you are loved, precious girl. It's virtually impossible for anyone to be in a bad mood around you. All you have to do is flash that smile or start babbling and we all go to mush. I thank God for you every day, for you are the biggest and best blessing I have ever received.

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