Thursday, October 11, 2012



This is the only word to describe how Jeremy and I have been feeling the last 8 weeks or so (ok, there's another word- nauseated- but it's totally worth it)! A new pregnancy. A new baby. We are beaming!! Slightly terrified at handling TWO monkeys, 26 months apart, but beaming just the same.

So, here is how baby bean's (that is what we have been lovingly referring to him/her because when we found out we were pregnant, baby was about the size of a bean) life, thus far, has unfolded in our eyes.

August 6th- We saw those precious two pink lines. The moment that second faint line appears, oh how your life changes in an instant. The immediate love you feel for someone you have yet to meet and know nothing about, except that they will be cohabiting in your body for around 40 weeks. I love that we found out on August 6th. We found out we were pregnant with Leighton on July 6th. Maybe only me and my raging hormones could come up with a sentimental link between those two dates. Anyway. There were LOTS of big smiles and happy tears that night.

Jeremy had decided that he wanted to be with me when I took the test this time. With Leighton, I took the test while he was at work and surprised him with a bunch of daddy-to-be gifts. Which he loved. But, this time he wanted the experience of being present. I later asked him which he liked better and he said he couldn't decide. He said he loved both and just knowing he was having a baby with the love of his life was the best feeling in the world. Aww. However, he said he did love seeing my face when we saw the test was positive. I asked him what my face looked like and he said "pure joy." Well, that's exactly what I felt.

Monday, August 20th- Our first Dr. apt. Confirmation of pregnancy and routine exam. Due date is given: April 13th. (don't worry, not a Friday, I already checked.) Everyone keeps talking about what a "perfect" due date that is and I think so, too. Not too hot. Not too cold. Not too close to any major holidays. And this baby, along with it's big sister, will be able to celebrate it's Birthday each year at school. That may sound silly but Jeremy and I were both summer babies and we never got to celebrate birthdays at school. All of the other kids brought homemade goodies to school and we all sang "Happy Birthday" and they got to be "special" on their Birthday and we didn't. Clearly, it has scarred us a bit.

Our Dr. also had other GREAT news. I am not considered high risk and only have about a 10% chance of developing pre- eclampsia again. PLEASE pray that I am a textbook case because that was the scariest things we have ever been through and it would be just super if we could avoid it all together this time.

September 4th- Second apt. We had our 8 week ultrasound and met with our new amazing OB (mine no longer delivers but wanted to see me for my first appointment). I loved Dr. G and I know I am going to love Dr. L. I never thought I'd have a female OB but seriously, she rocks! She acts more like a best friend than a Dr.

I was nervous and excited about the U/S because, with it being the first one, you see your baby for the first time and then you wait those nerve wracking moments for the tech to tell you there is a heartbeat. Jeremy wasn't nervous, of course, just excited. He assured me that everything would be fine and our baby would be healthy. Within moments of that cold goop being put on my belly, there was baby McGhee #2 and we saw the heartbeat almost instantly. I was overcome with emotion and teary eyes. I wasn't expecting that, since I had already done it all before I thought maybe I'd be immune to those emotions the second go around. How wrong I was. I no longer have the "will I love baby 2 as much as baby 1?" fear. I couldn't stop giggling and looking at the pictures while waiting for our OB.

Our new OB, as I have already stated, is wonderful. She told us she likes to deliver all of her patients if possible and will come in to deliver even if she isn't on call because she is stingy about who delivers "her babies." She talked to me about my feelings on the quad screen. (which we wont be doing. Here's a reminder of why.) She spoke with me on my feelings about induction (if everything goes well and I make it full term). She said she'd be praying that I did not develop pre eclampsia again. her. My blood pressure was actually on the low side at this apt, even with all of the excitement. I felt like that was God's way of saying, "I've got this." All in all. it was a perfect apt.

October 2nd- Blood work apt and listening for the first sounds of life, that beautiful heart beat. It's the moment where I know we have made it to 12 weeks, our baby is alive and kicking, and I can shout it to the whole world! Blood pressures were normal. We did blood work first. I remember asking for prayers last time because I used to be so terrified of needles. As in, I once passed out just watching my dad give blood. My, how things have changed, having a baby and especially a difficult pregnancy will do that to you. The lab nurse walked in and I stuck out my arm with a "hit me with your best shot" attitude. Jeremy was like, "wow, baby, I am so proud of you, you didn't even look nervous." I said, "I wasn't." He was even more impressed and said "Really, even I get nervous when I give blood." The only time I panicked was when I realized they had not said anything about the quad screen. I piped up and said "you aren't taking blood for the quad screen, right? Because we don't want that." Our sweet nurse spoke up and said "Dr. L already put it on your chart that you are strongly against it. We've got you covered." Ok, seriously.

Then we got to leave to go eat lunch because our Dr. had to go deliver 2 tiny miracles. We came back and I laid down on the table. Within seconds we heard it. The first sounds of baby bean's life. Psalm 139:13 was on repeat in my mind. Thank you, Jesus. I then quickly asked if, for my diabetes test, we could draw the blood from my arm and not prick my finger. I may not mind needles so much anymore but a finger stick, I will always hate. I seriously think my finger hurts for weeks after. Our Dr. responded that she doesn't do finger sticks. She just takes it out of your arm. Have I mentioned yet that I love her?

We went home and we had just received an email of our family photo shoot and our amazing photographer had already put our announcement for Facebook and blog together for us. You have to love God's timing. He even cares about the little things. We really appreciate the 300 some odd comments and "likes." It's so good to know we have so many family members, friends, and acquaintances rejoicing with us and praying for us. The main prayer you can pray- for a healthy baby and momma and for pre-eclampsia to stay far, far away! I will write more of a Q&A later, nap time is almost over!


  1. I'm so glad you are seeing Dr. L. I have referred several friends to her over the time I was in Montgomery. I have never had the privilege of meeting her, but have never heard one remotely negative thing about her. Everyone says she is top-knotch, amazing. Congrats again on Bundle #2!

  2. So excited for y'all!!!

    I am with you on the summer birthday. July birthdays STINK! I'm scarred as well.

    Glad there will be another little one around y'all!
