Wednesday, August 29, 2012

18 Months

At (a few weeks passed) 18 months old, this precious girl:

* Is closer to 2 than 1
* Can say around 60 words clearly
* Has tee teed and pooped in her potty
* Has no more pacifier (!!!!)
* Has an incredible memory for a toddler
* Can wear bows in her hair because she finally has enough hair
* Loves books more than anything (Favorite: Pat the Bunny)
* Favorite Toys: Pull Toys, Purses, Baby Doll/Stroller, Laptop
* Says "Hey Baby" when she sees me because that's what I have always said to her.
* Loves to make silly faces and really loves it when we imitate said faces
* Sings/does motions to Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Patty Cake.
* Listens intently to any song mommy sings
* Fears nothing
* Loves to "swim" in the pool. We must hold her on her belly so she can  "kick, kick, kick." She will laugh hysterically in the pool because she has so much fun!
*  Has certain shoes she loves and certain ones she hates.
* Tries to do everything herself. VERY independent.
* Is a good sleeper and greater eater
* Has 14 teeth (6 more to go. Yes, I am counting because I loathe teething.)
* Loves to drink out of a straw
* Doesn't sit still for one single second unless she is sleeping.
* Loves when daddy throws her in the air and tickles her.
* Can name these body parts: Head, nose, eyes, ears, cheeks, lips, teeth, mouth, tongue, chin, fingers, toes, belly button
* Says "bess you" when someone sneezes.


* With Leighton, it's a battle of wills several times a day. I win 99% of the time.
* Her answer to most everything is "no" even when it's something she really does want.
* She hits occasionally and we always correct her.
* She needs to be constantly entertained.
* She gets frustrated when she doesn't figure something out the right way the first time (she gets that one honestly, from her momma)

Most treasuring detail of our 18 month old:

She is so sweet to other children, especially babies. She will share everything she has. At Sunday School the other day she was giving all of the other children her snack. She hates for little babies to cry and will rub on them, bring them their Paci, bottle, etc.

18 Month Check Up:

Weight: 25 lbs 4 ounces (70th %)
Height: 33 & 3/4 inches (90th%)
Head Size: 19 inches (85th %)
Hit All Milestones

Dr. M was VERY pleased that we are Paci- free, and so are we! I received so much support from other mom friends (and my wonderful husband) during that horrific process (thank you all SO much) but I also, surprisingly, received some judgment for "taking away my child's comfort" because "she wouldn't suffer any long term affects from having it longer" and "it's not like she will go to college with it." I spoke with our Dr. about it (have I mentioned how much I LOVE him lately?) and he said I totally did the right thing. That the longer you wait, the harder it is to get rid of it and its much more of a struggle when the child is emotionally attached to the Paci. He said that those things that were said to me were the exact same things doctors will say to parents who want to wait to get rid of the paci to make them feel better about it. He said children can definitely suffer damage to their teeth the longer they have a pacifier, ask any pediatric dentist.

Leighton got her last shot until age 4. HALLELUJAH! She does really well with shots, actually, I just hate watching her in pain.

This appointment was the first time she was afraid of the doctor's office. Dr. M said that will go away by age 3.

Leighton, you are so smart, it amazes us every day. You take in everything and study things very intently. You are so sweet, always giving us sugar and loving on us and sharing so well. You are sweet and yet you are determined. You aren't a quiet, go with the flow kind of toddler but I never wanted that for you. I want you to keep being strong and determined. You will never get lost in a crowd, that's for sure. You are beautiful, inside and out. It's almost impossible for any stranger to pass by you without commenting on how "precious" you are as you smile and tell them "hey" in that sweet voice. You are mommy and daddy's greatest joy and greatest source of worry and frustration. You light up our lives in ways we never could have imagined. We are thankful for you every second of every day. You make life so much fun! We love you with all of our hearts sweet girl!

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